Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Organize my organization

I'll fully admit that structural organization is not my strongpoint. It's not that I can't organize things or keep my self on task. No, my problem has to do with organizing an existing, established, yet ineffiecient system.

I still love being Presbyterian...and I truly appreciate our elder-style of rule as found in the local level within the session...but I'm not so sure how to most effectively order the session.

My problem stems from a lack of experience and institutional memory. The current committee structure at Church in the Hills exists to meet the directives of the session. Our committees and their respective members are dedicated, loving individuals from the congregation who do some incredible work. However, I know the system is not working as smoothly or effectively as it could. The problem is that I don't have an alternative.

If you have worked in a committee structure that worked well (particularly within a church), what were the characteristics? Does anyone have any helpful hints or suggestions for maintaining or reforming our current committee structure? Our major issues are related to letting things slip through the cracks that are not specifically spelled out in the committee's job description, redundancy and inefficiency in our decision making abilities, and a general feeling of uncertainty about what each committee is charged to do.

I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Pastor Andrew Pomerville