Thursday, May 22, 2008


This weeks gospel lesson comes from Matthew 6:24-34 and focuses on worry. Jesus advises us to "not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today."

Easier said than done.

I am becoming more of a worrier everyday. I worry about my own life, my family, my house, my community, my health, my friends' health, the state of the world, hunger, war, lonliness, children without families, families without children, and everything else there is to worry about in the world.

I know that worrying won't add a hour to my life, but I still find myself occupied with anxious thoughts about the world around me.

Worry is unavoidable. However, I do think that this passage still calls for a healthy kind of worry. Love necessarily requires that we worry for the other person - that we worry for the well being of others. Yet the power of the gospel within this worry motivates us to not just dwell on the worry, but to act out our nervousness. We need to seek ways to shout out our worry in prophetic tones and work to alleviate our worries throught the mission and power of Christ.

We need to harness our worry and turn it into actions.

I say all of this as I worry about the upcoming birth of my son and I worry what kind of father I will be. Instead of worrying, I need to put this anxiousness into my efforts to care for, love, and support my family.

Have a wonderful, worry-free week!

Pastor Andrew

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What does the Lord's Supper mean to you?

The worship committee has been having a lively discussion about communion - when in the service, where in the church, how we partake, what we partake, and why we share in the Lord's Supper.

Discussing communion is nothing new to the Christian Church. Splits and denominations have happened throughout the centuries over these various interpretations. The latest discussion at Church in the Hills has revolved around when in the service to share in the Lord's Supper.

The Sacrament must be taken with the Word of God proclaimed. That said, when should the communion liturgy take place in the service and why? I know the answers from our Book of Order, but I'm curious why it is important to your worship experience for it to occur in the place it does. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New website is completed!

After a long time without a permanent website, we are homeless no longer.

Please follow this address to see our website in its infancy, as we continue to add pictures and information over the next couple of weeks.

The blog will continue to be updated regularly as we maintain the website for standard information and the blog for more up-to-date-changing info.

I hope spring is meeting everyone well, energized, and ready to serve as Christ calls you.

Peace and grace,

Pastor Andrew