Wednesday, April 9, 2008

When the body just says no...

I returned from my continuing education event at Princeton on Saturday night. It was an amazing event and inspired me to take careful stock of my leadership strengths and weaknesses while thoughtfully considering how the leadership of our church could me more effective in following the mission Christ puts before us.

So there I was after worship on Sunday preparing for a fantastic week...and then I wasn't.

No one "plans" on getting sick. I understand that. I also know that there really is no "good time" to get the flu - but why now?

After two days of pain, chicken broth, and Gatorade, I'm back at the church and ready to again resume active ministry.

Besides illness, are there other physical limitations that hold us back from doing what we truly feel called to do? I ask this in response to our recent classes on the struggles in Israel and Palestine. During the classes, we were emotionally moved by the stories of pain, death, disease, displacement, and hate. However, we were at a loss as to what we could do being in Northern Michigan. It seems impossible to make a difference.

It is.

It is if we think it is all up to us and our abilities. However, it is possible for us to be used by the Holy Spirit to do the impossible. Our God works miracles in our midst and uses us, even sinners like us, to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.

We must not lose hope or the assurance of God's grace to overcome darkness in the world. Rather, we must turn to God in prayer confident that the Lord can work all things for God - in spite of the impossibilities and limitations around us.

Pray - love - and show God's grace in the way we seek to serve one another.


Pastor Andrew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This week's posting brings to mind the following quote from G. G. Jampolsky (2000, "Teach Only Love", Beyond Words Publishing, Hillsboro, Oregon): "I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent You who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do. Because You who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever You wish, knowing You go there with me. I will be healed as I let You teach me to heal."