Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sign-up for the Passover Seder

I'm pretty excited about this prospect.

We're partnering up with the Bellaire Community United Methodist Church on March 20, Maunday Thursday, to celebrate the Passover Seder meal in an eccumenical worship service. We'll begin the meal that night at 6:00 pm.

The Seder is a symbolic meal that reflects upon the Passover of the Jews and their journey out of Egypt. It was a Passover meal that Christ shared with his apostles on the night he was betrayed. When we, as Christians, participate in the Lord's Supper, we are joining in this same Passover feast.

Sign up on the bulletin board or call the church to reserve your spot. We only have thirty or so spots left between the two churches. Sign up fast!


Anonymous said...

Thanks goes out to Pastor Andrew for making this worship/fellowship possible. His wisdom of the Jewish faith and his commitment to ecumenical events is commendable.

I speak for Bellaire Community United Methodist Church when I say that we look forward to many other times of sharing our faith with the Christian community of our area.

Pastor Mary
Bellaire Community UMC

Church in the Hills said...

Thank you, Pastor Mary! That's wonderful to hear! Have a great day,
